History of Framingham Airport 1929-1946 : by Wally Smith
Object ID:
VE Exhibit Label 1:
34 Lt. John Mullen of Barbar Road, Framingham visited the airport in his Northrop A-17 on October 7, 1940 (top)
Labor Day weekend, 1939 Vought SBU-1 flown by Lt. Noon. Lew Kimball facing. (2 bottom)

35 1929 Curtiss Condor CO flown from Framingham by Clarence D. Chamberlain. Picture not at Framingham (top)
1935 Taylor E-2 Cub (middle)
1939 Piper Cub Coupe (bottom)

36 Fairchild 24R Ranger Powered Framingham

37 Wreckage of Red Kelly's Hess powered Alliance Argo in which William Hendon died. Charles Babuka Jr. standing behind rear windscreen

38 Ray Brooks' J-2 Cub - Post '38 Hurricane hangar

39 General Motors - Framingham. Picture taken very hazy day from Don's Flying Service, Marlboro. Cub piloted by Don LaCouture. Business section of Framingham upper center, Western Ave runs diagonally, lower left past plant. Reformatory complex center right, gas works upper right of Reformatory. Farm Pond upper left. Washakum Pond left - not in picture.

40 John DeMarie (former Framingham Airport lineboy) in later years in Texas. Owner of the beautiful bird in background (top)
Ray Brooks' Christmas Card (bottom)

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34 Mullen & Labor Day34 Mullen & Labor Day
35 Curtiss Condor35 Curtiss Condor
36 Fairchild 24r Ranger Powered36 Fairchild 24r Ranger Powered
37 Red Kelly's Argo37 Red Kelly's Argo
38 Ray Brooks' J2 Cub Post 38 Hurricane Hangar38 Ray Brooks' J2 Cub Post 38 Hurricane Hangar
39 General Motors Framingham39 General Motors Framingham
40 John Demarie & Ray Brook's Christmas Card40 John Demarie & Ray Brook's Christmas Card